Way off topic: HDTV

I have some fundamental beliefs. One is that one should not have to pay for TV that is filled with commercials. Therefore, I have never had cable nor have I subscribed to any other form of TV content. I do however spend a lot of time playing with antennae and learning all I can about TV transmission. Since the changeover to digital, I have been fascinated with the incredibly high quality of over the air TV. It might interest you that most TV content providers compress most of their signals so they can give you LOTS of channels. In doing so, you lose definition—receiving with an antenna you get the full broadcast signal and truly high definition. When PBS first started broadcasting HDTV from Mars Hill a few years ago, I started experimenting. I spent a bit of money on gear, but I was able to get full screen beautiful high definition digital. Now, I am able to get High Definition digital CBC, CTV, Global, WAGM (and two sub-channels) and PBS (with two sub channels) with the antennae on my roof. Yes, no monthly payment. You may want more, but I don't. :-)
To make life easier when changing around antennae, rather than climb onto the roof—not a good idea for 69 year old men—I have rigged up my TV tower on a swivel so that I can lower it to work on it at ground level. If you are interested in seeing it in action, go to:
So, with a modern TV and this:
I can get this, which is a photo of my screen: 

(Click on picture for a larger view)
Now, back to installing the garage door opener.

Automobile Registration Reminders by Mail Reinstated

Stephen passed this along:

FREDERICTON (CNB) – The provincial government has reinstated the mail-out of motor vehicle registration renewal notices in New Brunswick.
Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Robert Trevors made the announcement today in the legislative assembly.
"The provincial government has made a commitment to reinstate the mail-out of motor vehicle registration renewal notices, and I am proud to announce that we are fulfilling that promise," said Trevors.
Starting in December, motor vehicle owners with registrations expiring in January 2012 will receive notification through the mail.
"We recognize that there is a cost to providing this service, but we have heard from New Brunswickers loudly and clearly that it is a worthwhile expense to them," said Trevors.
The e-mail reminder option created in 2010 will continue for the motorists who have requested it. Improvements are expected by 2014-15 to enable the provincial government to offer motorists the option of choosing an e-mail reminder only.

Jag on the move

An email from Robbie:
Hi David, The Jag was moved to its new storage today. My son's friend at work is going to keep it in his garage for us until we can ship it up to Alberta. Will keep in touch with the club, we certainly enjoyed all the fellowship we received from all the members. Nettie is planning to make it to the Woodfords Christmas party. Bob and Dianne are going to bring her to the party.
Regards Rob.

Report on The Run to Christmas in The Village - Bob E.

  What will probably be our smallest run took place under unusually warm skies today. Three cars wandered along the river to Gagetown for the Christmas in the village event.  While no LBCs were in attendance, we all had our sun roofs open.  It was a relaxing day as we took in a few shops and sampled local Christmas treats.  An impromptu lunch was proposed (mostly due the rumblings in someone's stomach) and we stepped into a restaurant and almost stepped on the toes of Karen and Ralph Holyoke who were seated close to the door. We brought each other up to date on the latest happenings in the respective cities before ordering lunch.
  The weather had a lot to do with the enjoyment of the day and if you missed it...too bad!  Bllllppp!! (wet raspberry)
   Bob E.

A Run to Christmas in the Village

  The annual Christmas in the Village but-our-LBCs-are-stored-but-we're-gonna-go-anyway run is scheduled for this Saturday (the 26th of November).  I suggest that YOU folks meet at the Ramada Inn parking lot for a noon departure headed south.  Take the Burton Bridge to the south side (head into Burton) and we'll meet you folks as you come off the bridge.  This will get us into Gagetown before 1:00-ish leaving a couple hours to visit the decorated homes, do some shopping or browsing and possibly get together for a late lunch or early supper somewhere.  We can play it by ear (like we do everything) and decide on eating plans once we get there.
- Bob E.

Market meet-up

The Earls met Jim W, Steve W, and Jim Mc at the market on Saturday and had a nice chat.
(When Bob first sent this photo to the me, there was no caption with it, so I was planning to post it with some sort of explanation that Bob had bought a REAL car for Dianne, or something like that. But, I guess that was just a fig-newton of my imagination. - David)

Do you have some space?

Joe H tells me that Rob and Nettie have sold their house and have to be out by the end of the month. Rob needs somewhere to store his E-type until the spring. Any suggestions or offers?
UPDATE: Robbie found a place for his car.

Report on November FABAC Meeting

  I know it's been said before but it bears repeating...we gotta get bigger meeting/dining rooms when we go out for our monthly get togethers.  Space was reserved for 24 but almost 30 showed up and wedged into the alcove at Dimitri's Greek restaurant off the Tannery.
  Several folks started whining about not being able to drive their LBCs in the unusually fine fall weather due to the expiration of their seasonal licenses but were quickly interrupted (thankfully) by Gary.  He mentioned the passing of club member John Edwards whom some of us remember from years past.  We send out thoughts and condolences to his family.
  The only big item to discuss was the upcoming Christmas party at Jim and Lorraine Woodford's on the 10th of December.  This will be a pot luck (of course) and all are requested to call Lorraine and let her know what you'll be bringing.  There will also be the traditional Yankee swap, and more than one member lamented last years no-show of the MGB mud flaps.  Hopefully they will resurface this year.
  A short non-LBC run will attend the Gagetown Christmas in the village next weekend (26-27th Nov).  I know that only a few are interested in attending so I suggest that you post your preference here for either Saturday or Sunday.  I plan on an early afternoon run with a couple of hours for shopping/sightseeing followed by a light dinner at one of the local restaurants.
  The big hit of the evening was the sight of Sandra and Larry modeling their new T-shirts.  The matching shirts sported pictures of them in their Triumph. A photo is attached.
-   Bob E.

FABAC Meeting Wednesday November 16

Hello, All.
I have reserved for 24 people at Dimitri's Restaurant on King Street.  Reservation is for 5:30 PM, Nov. 16th.  The reservation is in the Fredericton British Car Club's name.  They also have the name Dunphy and our phone number.  I told them I would let them know the numbers before we all arrive!!!   Unfortunately Vic and I cannot attend, as we have a friend coming out to celebrate her birthday that night.
ttfn   Heather

MGB at Speed - submitted by Phil O.

For those who want to experience an MGB at its limit, here’s a video of a race prepped MGB 4 cylinder doing some practice laps at Carolina Motorsports Park in South Carolina.  The car is owned, driven and set up Hap Waltrop from Greenville, SC who runs Acme Speed Shop in Greenville. He specializes in MG and Triumph related parts, particularly engines and carb work, including bench rebuilds. I’ve seen some of his work in North Carolina and know folks who really have high praise for his shop.

The photo is one of Hap’s car.
