VW Beetle

 For anyone who appreciates the VW Beetle, they might appreciate this one more; 40% more.     


Itching to travel this summer?

Rendez-Vous British Québec https://rvbq.org/en/ — June 3-4, 2022

British Motoring Festival in Windsor, Nova Scotia —haven’t heard that this will happen. 

Thanks to John and Chris for flushing out potential trips.

New luggage rack

 I just finished putting my new luggage rack my sister bought me for Christmas. It was warm enough to work on to day. I can not wait to try it out.

Click on photo for larger version.

FABAC ZOOM Meeting Wednesday Feb. 16 at 7:00

  Dan has agreed once again to host our monthly meeting via Zoom. It's the same link as used in the past. 

- Gary

(Check previous emails for the link. If you don't find it, let me know (theoldfiddler@gmail.com) and I'll send it to you. We can't post it here for security reasons.)
- David

Drive Your Triumph Day 2022

 Thankfully the weather cooperated and I was able to get the TR6 out for Drive your Triumph Day 2022.

Because of the recent storms there is too much salt on the streets so it was just a short drive in the driveway.

- Chris

A new MG roadster is coming

 MG plans to bring out a new roadster in 2024 as part of its anniversary celebration. Click here.

Passed along by Dan

Alfa 6C 2500 SS

 Hey, Dan. Is this not the most beautiful Alfa in existence?!!!

Drive Your Triumph Day 2022: Thursday, February 10, 2022

 I thought I would send this information re Drive Your Triumph Day in case any of you Triumph owners would care to participate.  Drive Your Triumph Day is held on the 10th day each February and is done in honour of Sir John Black.

The background and details of this are explained in the following letter I have copied from the internet.  It is worth noting that you do not have to actually drive your car when your are located in this winter environment that we are.  Just a pic of your car sitting in the garage is welcome.  In fact,  I understand that a pic of your unfinished Triumph project is equally welcome.  If you do decide to participate, don’t forget to include the fact that you belong to the FABAC club along with the information you send in.  You may remember that I submitted a pic last year of my TR6 out and about on last Feb 10 and I will try to do that again this year.  I always try to start my LBC’s once or twice during the winter anyway.


Chris Daigle


Here is the info....


Drive Your Triumph Day 2022: Thursday, February 10, 2022

From: Rye Livingston

Dear Fellow Triumph Owner,

One thing that has remained constant during another crazy year dealing with the pandemic, is the pleasure of taking a drive in your Triumph. 2022 Drive Your Triumph Day is just a few months away, on Thursday, February 10, 2022.

My name is Rye Livingston and I’m with the Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club in Northern California, arguably the longest active Triumph Club in the world, being founded in 1958.

A number of years ago, I encouraged members of our club to drive their Triumphs on February 10th, to celebrate Sir John Black’s Birthday, the man who organized Standard’s purchase of Triumph after WW II, and went on to make the cars we enjoy driving today.

Drive Your Triumph Day has gained momentum and last year I received over 500 photos from all over the world: Scotland, Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Holland, Czech Republic, and of course all over the USA. I’m hoping we can increase that number again this year!

The concept is straightforward. On Thursday, February 10th, go for a drive in your Triumph. Take a scenic drive on a country road or out to lunch, to the market, to work, wherever. Go for a drive alone or in a big group from your local Triumph Club. Take your spouse, buddy, child, grandchild or your dog; then take a photo. The photo is mainly of the car, and the owner or passenger if possible, ideally in front of a cool spot, landmark, scenic view or in your driveway. If it’s the middle of the winter where you live and your car is in hibernation, or in the middle of a restoration, take a photo of it in the garage.

Next step is to email a high-resolution photo to driveyourtriumphday@gmail.com, along with some basic information: owner’s name, year and model of car, and place photo was taken (city, state, country). The photos will then be published not only in our club newsletter, but also in USA’s national magazine: Vintage Triumph Registry, and on the Drive Your Triumph Day website: https://driveyourtriumphday.shutterfly.com
Please feel free to send this on to other Triumph Clubs you may know of, and your club Activities Chairman and Newsletter editor. Last couple of years a few Standard Clubs joined in, which is great.