Carolyn and I spent five and a half days visiting in Nova Scotia—friends and places. One of the highlights was a trail way up near the northern tip of Cape Breton—the White Point Trail.
Originally, we had planned to tour the Cabot Trail in the Morgan—glad we went with Carolyn's TR6 instead! The Triumph provided a magnitude improvement in comfort and space. We traveled the first hot sunny day with the top down, and the rest of the trip with the top up. That may seem like a waste of a beautiful opportunity—that romantic view of two carefree individuals bombing around one of the most beautiful parts of the world, wind in their hair and the sounds and aromas of a fine British automobile. However, the reality is that one will fry in no time in 30º weather (plus the humidex), as well as being constantly buffeted by the winds. Now, TR6 owners know about a wonderful feature of the marque—with the top up, the rear window can be zipped open allowing the top to provide shade and full non-buffeting wind to flow through the car with windows down. That's how we traveled and in the future would consider no other for long hot sunny drives. I remember seeing traveling Morgans with surrey tops—something I shall look into making.
- David
Some photos from the White Point Trail (Don't leave the Island without taking it in)
Be SURE to click on a photo to get the REAL impact of the scenes: