Happy New Years, all!
I hope everyone made it through the holidays unscathed.
We're gonna kick off the new year (Wow...2025...who'da thought we'd see that?) with January's dinner at the Snooty Fox Pub on Regent. It's the 15th at 5:30 PM. There's a room at the back we've reserved so that we can be noisy and engage in various shenanigans.
We hope to start a discussion on what folks feel about the future of our club. We've been shrinking as people change (or lose) interests and our collective age hasn't helped us either. This is a problem facing many clubs like ours and I've been chatting with Ovide in Moncton about this.
If you can't attend and would like your opinion aired, please drop me a line at bobearl@hushmail.com I'll print your email and read it to the gang. No decisions or changes are being sought, we only want to know how folks feel and we'll go (or not) from there. Rob E.