Next FABAC Meeting March 19th (almost Spring!)

A new place for several of us but highly recommended—El Mariachi Restaurant Bar—Mexican food and drink.
5:30pm as usual.
A little tricky to get to the first time, but if you recall the old Keddy's Motel or the St. Thomas residence and conference centre off Forrest Hill Road, El Mariachi is round the back of that property. Parking back there is clearly marked. Entrance and exit is done counter-clockwise or if you prefer, anti-clockwise. Do it wrong, and we will tease you mercilessly (I'm beginning to sound like Rob Earl!)!
- David


FABAC February Meeting report

      We met upstairs at the Freddy curling club on Rookwood Ave. in Freddy at Namaste Restaurant.  We had a large private area with plenty of room. This was appreciated by all after packing in like sardines last month.  The extra room encouraged table hopping and visits.  Sandi & Larry are to be thanked for the excellent choice of dinner venues.

  • John D. et all has planned a couple of extensive summer tours. Plans are still a bit fluid but these should be great fun.
  • Gary passed around some fridge magnets with the club logo that had been made by John D. (same gent as mentioned above).  These can be used as advertisements for the club and it's suggested that members stick them on their own cars or possibly on British cars seen in the wild.  My own tests on a similar magnet show that they will stay on a car.  They don't do well in the rain however.
  • Again, there was some discussion on advertising for the club.  Version 2,405 of the club's brochure was passed around and many revisions were penned on it. Watch for an updated version to appear here soon.
The food received an enthusiastic thumbs up from all, and combined with the large private area, I'm sure it'll become a favourite.  

The next meeting will be at the El Mariachi Restaurant hidden off of the Forest Hill road.  Watch for details.
   Rob E.

FABAC Meeting February 19

The next meeting will be at Namaste Restaurant in the Capital Winter Club 232 Rookwood Ave. on February 19 at 5:30.  They are going to put us behind the curtain so we’ll have some privacy. 


Cape Breton trip June 2025

Here is a trip Ernst and I are planning for my birthday.
  • Day one Thursday June 12. Drive from Fredericton, NB to Cheticamp NS 635 km around seven hours driving spend the night Cornerstone Motel in Cheticamp. 1(902)224-3232              
  • Day two Friday June 13 . Drive take Rte 30 Englishtown NS. Then take the Ferry to North Sydney on to Rte 125E to Sydney then Rte 22 S to Louisbourg around 331 Km approximately hours driving time 4 1/2 hours Spending the night in Louisbourg at The Fortress Inn 1(902)733-2844. 
  • Day three Saturday, June 14 driving from to Louisbourg NS on Rte4 W to Port Hawkesbury on Rte 16 S to Canso NS . Continue on route 16 Isaac Nova Scotia. Then take Rte 374 S to Sheet Harbour around 519Km around 6hr driving time. Spending the night in Sheet Harbor at Fairwinds Motel 1(902)885-2502                      
  • Day four Sunday, June 15 Sheet Harbour Nova Scotia on Rte 224 W to Upper Musquoboit Harbour on to Truro on Rte 289W. Then on Rte 2 the Glooscap trail to Parrsborro NS and Spring Hill on Goosecap trail onto Amherst Nova Scotia. Amherst NS to Moncton taking route 106. Moncton to Salisbury New Brunswick taking the Coles Island cut off back to Fredericton. Driving around 500km and approximately six hours driving time.
- John D.

Five day road trip PEI

Here is the revised trip that Ernst and I will be taking in July 30 to August 3 in Prince Edward Island.                           
I am submitting a revised Prince Edward Island trip as I have been informed by my hotel that I had in Charlottetown that 31 July was unavailable. So here’s the new updated trip.
  • Wednesday Day one Fredericton to Summerside 305 staying Canada’s Best Value Hotel in Summerside $344.97 for 2 nights. 
  • Thursday Day two drive from Summerside to North Rustico around 45km.Then driving the section circled in black. Around 222km. Staying in Charlottetown at a hotel for two nights. Hotel costs is $413.00 for Two nights.
  • Friday Day three drive around the section circled in green approximately 325 km. Staying at Canada’s Best Value Hotel.
  • Saturday Day four driving to around the centre circled in red. Approximately 110 km after driving on the four day around the designated area. Maybe find a good restaurant in Charlottetown and have a look around then back to the hotel. 
  • Sunday Day five driving back to Fredericton 305 km. I am now looking for hotel in Summerside and Charlottetown PEI.      
John D.