This from Bob Earl

The latest from the club's rumour mill is that fears of a certain members melted down engine have become nothing more than a blown exhaust manifold gasket. I'll bet he's sorry he didn't dig into the car earlier. Another member's car will be running on three cylinders
for the remainder of the season. It seems his compression has 'gone away' in one cylinder. This will affect gas mileage and large hills may present a challenge. Hopefully it will turn out to also be a fairly minor (ie: inexpensive) fix.
Bob Earl will be heading down to St John on the evening of Tuesday the 7th of August.for their British car night at Market Square. Anyone who wants to come along should contact him. He will be taking the river route (of course) along highway 102.
Bob is also planning a CAMPING trip to Sussex for the Balloon fest on the 7th to 9th of Sept. It will be an afternoon run to Sussex where we will pitch tents in Steve Ball's yard. The evening
entertainment at the fest is always good and we hope to see the balloons 'candle' as the light wanes. We will be able to grab sites early on Sunday for the car show. Folks are encouraged to
pre-register here:

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