Report on Stanley Run by Bob E.

     An entourage of 15 cars purred along highway 8 headed towards Boiestown (and beyond) under sparkling skies and reasonably warm weather. My initial fears of being stuck at the side of the road with an empty clutch fluid reservoir had proven groundless (so far) and I relaxed and enjoyed the scenery.
     We'd met at the Timmies by the exhibition grounds and no less than 13 cars arrived to herald an unseasonably warm Sunday morning. For the first time in a long time the Nielsens brought their Morgan along resplendent in a valve job and (finally!) air cleaners. We were also joined by Judy and Brian Mills in their (decadently comfortable) Mercedes SLK. Since it was their first time we where pointedly nice to them. Know, however, that the long running British/German rivalry WILL raise it's head in the future. Be forewarned.
     We picked up a couple more along the way and meandered along the scenic Nashwaak River. Just as highway 8 began to get boring we turned off at Boiestown onto a secondary road, the 625. This was more like it—twisty, winding, and undulating—a perfect sporty car road. That is until the pavement ended dumping us unceremoniously onto a dirt road. It wasn't bad at first and (of course) we all expected it to end soon. Unfortunately the surface condition varied widely and in a scene reminiscent of a challenge from 'Top Gear' we occasionally found ourselves snaking along in first gear dodging award winning potholes and half buried rocks. This went along for far too long until (mercifully!) we arrived at Stanley and continued the FABAC tradition of over-running a small family restaurant. We didn't mind that the food took a while to arrive since we where all just so damned happy to be rid of that cursed gravel road. The trip home was shorter along the Royal Road. I took a detour to follow Joe Hine home to see the progress on his E-Type restoration (almost ready for paint!).
     Thanks and kudos to John Bowles for planning the day. The gravel road was only mildly irritating and will surely give us something to talk about at the next dinner.
- Bob E.
(And some photos from John B here and Phil here.)


Anonymous said...

Great write up Bob and thanks to John and Shirley Anne for putting on this great Autumn tour.

Our Thanks,


David Nielsen said...

It was a great day, wasn't it. Thanks to the Bowles.

David Nielsen said...

Thanks, John. It was a perfect day and a great tour.

Anonymous said...

A great run. Thanks for organizing it John.