Report on the November Meeting

Brewbakers, the four-star restaurant in downtown Fredericton was the venue for this month’s FABAC dinner meeting. Crisp tablecloths and napkins set off  the elegant setting of the restaurant’s private room where 28 FABACians enjoyed good food and fellowship, talked about their cars and discussed plans for future FABAC events. With Jim B in “the chair” acting for an absent Gary A., first up was Kelvin P. who confirmed arrangements for a “Casino Night” on Wednesday November 27th at his home in Noonen (see separate post for details). The December 7th Xmas Party at the Crumleys was discussed and a list was circulated confirming what food members would bring to the party (see separate post for details) And finally, the new King Street Ale House was chosen for the next meeting on December 18th with Sandi B. agreeing to make the arrangements.

During the evening, David N. congratulated Sandi on winning the prestigious 2013 Alfred Kinsey Award presented by the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality for her extensive work as a leading researcher on human sexuality. Everyone joined in the applause. Later, John B. presented another 20 question quiz about cars, motoring and motorsport. (“When was MG Cars established? Answer: 1929). The winner was Joe H. who won a recent copy of Classic and Sports Cars magazine as a prize.
- John B.
And we must not forget Al Thomas for arranging the meeting place, including a FABAC logo at the entrance door and a fine Triumph banner at the end of the room. Also, he arranged for one lucky winner to get their meal free—compliments of the restaurant. The lucky winner was Dr. John. A good evening.


Anonymous said...

Thank you John


David Nielsen said...
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