Car parts cleanout

Has anybody figured out why in the name of all things Lucas we as owners, tinkerers and drivers of old cars do the following:

1.- Buy parts that we really need but never install.
2.- Buy parts  that  really don’t even need.
3.- Buy more than one of same part when there is only one on the car.
4.- Buy parts and forget what they are for and where they go.

And can anybody tell me if this is more or less foolish than:

5.- Keeping broken parts we have just spent good money to replace.  Are they going to magically self repair in the bottom of a greasy toolbox??????
6.- Not labeling parts that are removed for repair or replace so now you have a supply of spare bits with no know use?
7.- Start more than one job  and forget to go back and finish the first one before you (attempt to) drive away?

So fess up.  Has anybody else done any of these or am I the only idiot out there???????

Ralph H

PS check out eBay for a couple new MGA parts I just listed.


Anonymous said...

1. Yup!...I'll get to them...really.
2. Don't do that anymore.
3. Spares of course. They won't get any cheaper.
4. Nope.
5. Original stuff has to be kept because it's original, jeez! have to ask?
6. Nope.
7. Nope.
I'll bet you've never put your freshly filled grease gun down "just for a second" on top of a box of priceless Christmas decorations in the attic while storing stuff then forgotten about it for 364 days only to have your wife discover that it had spent the year s-l-o-w-l-y oozing grease out onto said decorations.
Bob E.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob
What, are we the only two to "fess up"? Awfully quiet on the comments section.