Report on the Lobster Run

       As I followed Beth and Chris Daigle's cheery green TR6 down the scenic 102 under perfect (almost) summer skies I decided that the low turnout wasn't a disappointment. Any time I get to drive down that gorgeous road with the prospect of lobster at the finish line, is a good day.
       Beth and Chris had driven up from Saint John to take part in today's run so we headed off together at the crack of noon.  The timing was perfect as there was no line up at the lobster hut.  We sat under sunny skies and enjoyed the balmy breeze off the ocean.  It seems that Beth and Chris have a sailboat and passed a bit of the afternoon teaching me what one doesn't do on the water.   As the afternoon wore on, Debbie and Tim arrived just ahead of a mid-afternoon rush.  Debbie had brought cookies which made her my friend for life—not that I wasn't already.
       Thanks for making this a fine afternoon and a great way to welcome the summer—Covid or not.
       Rob E.



Anonymous said...

YES! I just called this morning (10:00 AM) and confirmed that they do have lobster for rolls. I made a reservation for 12 to start us off.
Rob E.

Anonymous said...

Chris and I enjoyed the day out, the nice drive and the company. The lobster rolls were spot on and the view very beautiful. What a great way to start the summer!

Beth Daigle

Unknown said...

Sorry we missed this outing Carol and John

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob and Diane for putting this on. I think with Covid and just things that we can expect lower than normal turnouts. Not to say that we shouldn't try and you folks are certainly doing that. So so much appreciated!

