FABAC January Meeting Report

   The first dinner/meeting for 2023 (we're now 20+2 years old!) was absolutely FAB-ulous. We didn't much bother with any meeting stuff because there were only eight of us, but we did languish over coffee and enjoyed lively conversation, during which several proclamations here made:
  • the year that Bob gets the Jag back on the road....
  • the year that Kelvin's Landy become recognizable as a motor vehicle...
  • There was the normal call for runs, and several of our regulars are already in the works.
  •  We had a more-than-lively-and-often-confusing discussion on ways to waste time on YouTube.  My suggestion was miss-spoken and should have been 'ColinFurze'.   Some of you may have seen this gent in action.  The ladies are invited to watch in order to gain an appreciation of why they live longer.
  • Speaking of the ladies; the Tuesday morning breakfasts have become dominated by the gents, but we're encouraging the fairer sex to drop in.  You all have an open invitation. We promise to behave.
   Next month’s meeting will be at Gahan House Riverside on 486 Queen Street the day after Valentine's Day (15th).  Some may remember it as the Vault, or before that the CIBC bank.
   Bob E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the meeting. We were away for a week.
Al T