FABAC Party at Sandi and Larry's - Saturday Sept 14

I hope there are lots of FABACians planning to attend Sandi and Larry's party at their place on Saturday Sept 14th. The details have been posted previously. This will be a great time and a great opportunity to get together for lots of fun and just relaxing with friends. Oh yes, the plan is to eat shortly after we arrive. Please confirm your attendance now so Sandi and Larry know the numbers. 

For those attending we'll be leaving from Canadian Tire Northside at 11:30.



Anonymous said...

We plan on going and are looking forward to it. Margot and David

Anonymous said...

We plan on going and are looking forward to it. Pat and Dave

Anonymous said...

We will be there!!! With dessert 😋. Sandi & Peter

Anonymous said...

Debi and Tim plan to attend with dessert!!

Anonymous said...

Barb and Dwight regret that they won't be attending. We are headed to Ontario to visit family.

Anonymous said...

Johanna and Bruce will be there with apple/blueberry crumbles.

Anonymous said...

I will see everyone on Saturday. Cheers John D

Anonymous said...

Barb and I will be attending bringing a Taco dip and Chips.

Gary and Barb

Anonymous said...

Henning and Rose will also be there. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Karen and I still plan on being there.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely day it was. Thank you Sandy and Larry.
Johanna and Bruce