October Meeting Report

      A boisterous but well behaved group met at Dimitri's restaurant for October's dinner and not-a-meeting.  We all noticed that the inside has again changed colour. Are they doing this just for us?

      Gary took the reins and chatted about the Owl's Head run recently.  There's been some fun stories from the trip with Ernst emerging as the hero...sorta.
  • There was some discussion on the sl-o-o-w-ly progressing name change for the club.  We chatted amicably about the reasons for this and even agreed (mostly) to charge ahead.  I've already gathered a few suggestions and am inviting more. The end goal is to be more inclusive (of car ownership, we already welcome everybody) and grow the membership.  I'll put what I have together and post it all soon.
  • The Octoberfest run is on...again!  See the post a little ways down.  Remember to call or email them and add your name to the list.
  •  Gary went wildly off-topic and promoted his seniors swim club.  It's a good cause so we didn't mind.
  •  Phil-n-Pam are leading a fall leaf tour on Saturday coming (the 19th).  See details here.
  •  Dianne will arrange the holiday party (around the 11th of Dec) at the Freddy Inn.
  •  The next meeting will be at the Carnation Restaurant on Nov 20th.
   Rob E.

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