St. George Run

Well, just when I thought the Triumph was away for the last time this year, Mark and Ernst called me to see if I wanted to go to St George for a feed of fish and chips. Also if we could take an other route. So we drove down route 785 the Old Mine road then one of my short cuts to Bonny River Road Rte770 to St George. For lunch and Rte 760 to Harvey station. Stopping for Coffee at Jackie’s Coffee Shop. We paid for the coffee and had some of his mother's home made cookies—they were great . A great place to stop for a coffee or tea. It’s located strip mall by information in Harvey. Thank you, Mark and Ernst, for a good day. 


Anonymous said...

With global warming, we may be driving in December and contributing to it.
Rob E.

Anonymous said...

John, please give me a call for the December run.

Anonymous said...

I will post the next one if weather cooperate. Cheers