October Meeting Report

      A boisterous but well behaved group met at Dimitri's restaurant for October's dinner and not-a-meeting.  We all noticed that the inside has again changed colour. Are they doing this just for us?

      Gary took the reins and chatted about the Owl's Head run recently.  There's been some fun stories from the trip with Ernst emerging as the hero...sorta.
  • There was some discussion on the sl-o-o-w-ly progressing name change for the club.  We chatted amicably about the reasons for this and even agreed (mostly) to charge ahead.  I've already gathered a few suggestions and am inviting more. The end goal is to be more inclusive (of car ownership, we already welcome everybody) and grow the membership.  I'll put what I have together and post it all soon.
  • The Octoberfest run is on...again!  See the post a little ways down.  Remember to call or email them and add your name to the list.
  •  Gary went wildly off-topic and promoted his seniors swim club.  It's a good cause so we didn't mind.
  •  Phil-n-Pam are leading a fall leaf tour on Saturday coming (the 19th).  See details here.
  •  Dianne will arrange the holiday party (around the 11th of Dec) at the Freddy Inn.
  •  The next meeting will be at the Carnation Restaurant on Nov 20th.
   Rob E.

Fall Colour Run

Pam and I are planning a drive somewhere upriver Saturday.  The driving season is getting short and the weather folks are predicting a sunny day with no chance of rain.  Anyone interesting in going with us, chime in on the site or get in touch with me to arrange where to meet.



FABAC Meeting October 16th

Dinner at Dimitri’s Souvlaki 

Booked for 16 people on Wednesday October 16th at 5:30 pm under FABAC, or Johanna Bertin.

Octoberfest run

 Oct run to Adolf's Gasthoff Old Bavarian Restaurant Oct. 27th

1130 Knightville Road

Menu http://www.oldbavarian.ca/menu.html
They now accept modern payment methods.

Contact the restaurant (1-506-433-4735) NOW if you plan on attending.
Tell them that you are with FABAC.  The reservation is under my name.

      Gather at Ramada Inn parking lot (north side) on Sunday, Oct 27th at 11:45 noon, rain or ...it's gonna rain of course so there's no contingency plan for sunshine.

The route:
  • Depart the parking lot at 12:15 sharp along the scenic 105. A short detour along the boring Trans Canada to avoid the partially demolished bridge. 
  • Regain the 105 after Jemseg and turn left onto the 695 heading towards Cambridge Narrows. 
  • After Crossing the bridge at Cambridge Narrows we turn left onto the lovely and relaxing 710. 
  • The 710 makes a right turn somewhere after someplace named 'Cody's'. 
  • Join up with the straight and boring (but thankfully short) highway 10, 
  • Just before Sussex, turn left onto Roachville Rd.  I don't remember if there's much of a sign there but if we/you miss it, you/we can pick it up soon after at the interchange. 
  • Follow Roachville Rd a while until you see the right hand turn onto Knightville Rd....which is on the right. At some point the restaurant will appear on the right.

     Maps or GPSs are well advised.  I no longer get lost and lead folks astray, but we may become separated. We hope to get there around 2:00. We hope that some of our old friends from Moncton join us. 
- Bob E.

Owl's Head Trip

Here are a few photographs of the Owl's Head trip. We had a great driving—roads were wonderful. A few mishaps on the way and also on the way back. Thanks to Ernst—he took care of both the problems we had on the trip. I would also like to thank Chris and Beth for helping out. Kyle and Megan came along on the trip from Amherst Nova Scotia. Still a great trip. I’d like to thank Phil for organizing the trip. 


Click below to see many wonderful photos from John.

Last night's meeting-dinner-food fight report.

     A goodly number of folks showed up at Wolastoq Wharf restaurant for a warm September meeting.  A couple even braved heatstroke in LBCs with the tops down.

     As always, Gary took the reigns and gave us a quick recap of the past months
  • We've had a few good—no, GREAT!—runs since the last get together.
  • The afternoon at Sandi & Larry's was VERY well attended and much enjoyed.
  • The much anticipated Owl's Head run is happening this weekend.
  • A few attended the MASSIVE 100th anniversary airshow in Greenwood.
We were reminded of the weekly Wednesday evening car show behind the Legion off of Queen St.
A suggestion was made to arrange a run to St Andrews.
I made a call for suggestions for a new name.  It's felt that with fewer LBCs around and/or being driven, we should choose something more appropriate and inclusive.
Our next meeting will be at Dimitri's, always a favourite.
   Rob E.

Great time at Sandi and Larry's

    We had a great time at Sandi and Larry's on Saturday. We were treated to an olympiad of activities from games, activities and quizzes to a smorgasbord of delicious food including an array of mouth watering desserts. 

    Those that wished to enter the games were also eligible to win prizes based on a number of easy criteria, even allowing for points if you supported the participants.  Needless to say there was a lot of "loose" negotiating  going on at the end when totalling the individual scores. Not so loose were some of the winning prizes which were home made jams and preserves all made by our wonderful hosts.

    Now in terms of food, Sandi and Larry made fajita's with every conceivable condiment plus all the other dishes and desserts provided by FABAC members. All were very delicious....and plentiful!

   I know my seat belt was much tighter on our way home than it was on our way there. 

   I'm sure Sandi and Larry were very happy with the wonderful turn out of so many FABAC members.

    I know too, I'm joined with all those attending in thanking them for such a splendid day. 


 Lots more photos from Bob E. below.

FABAC Party at Sandi and Larry's - Saturday Sept 14

I hope there are lots of FABACians planning to attend Sandi and Larry's party at their place on Saturday Sept 14th. The details have been posted previously. This will be a great time and a great opportunity to get together for lots of fun and just relaxing with friends. Oh yes, the plan is to eat shortly after we arrive. Please confirm your attendance now so Sandi and Larry know the numbers. 

For those attending we'll be leaving from Canadian Tire Northside at 11:30.


Deer Island Run Report and photos

We left the Tim’s on the Hanwell (alone!) last Thursday shortly after 10:00 AM and made a short stop at Bruce and Joanna’s to check out the new garage that Bruce has been talking about.  A fine looking job with lots of space. The weather for the drive to Deer Island was perfect and the fresh sea air was great.  This was the first time to Deer Island for us in several years and we drove all the roads and checked out a few of the harbours and the scenery.  We also checked out a new to us restaurant called The Cap Sill.  Very good food and excellent friendly service. As a bonus we enjoyed two half hour “cruises”, then a stop in Saint John for ice cream.  The photos are of one of the government ferries and a privately operated Deer Island-Campobello ferry.
