Report by Bob E on the OktoberFest Run

 Despite darkening skies and imminent rain a full 20 cars responded to what is likely our last run of the season.  Jim B led us all over the back hills around Sussex and Norton where we enjoyed the fall colours.  A few folks departed before Sussex due to prior commitments and a group from St Johns joined us for a bit on our way to the restaurant.  We where also delighted to have the Sweets (now of PEI) join us for supper.
  A rousing crowd took over the parking lot, then the restaurant and wolfed down lots of German fare.  Alex and Lise dressed for the occasion in lederhosen and a dirndl.  More than one of us confirmed Alex's opinion that his wife was indeed 'hot'.
  The return trip was not without a bit of rain which the 'Jims' took as a challenge and kept their tops own.  Snug (and smug) with our tops comfortably in place through the rain squalls I'm sure I'm not the only one who later regretted it as the sky cleared and a lovely fall twilight ensued.
  A thanks to everyone who showed up to send off the summer weather and a special thanks to Jim B for putting the run together.

Photos by Bob E are here.
Photos by Ellie are here.


Anonymous said...

Good morning. all.
Brenda and I would like to say thank you for a wonderful day, great fellowship, and fine food. We made it to our 7:00 PM grandbabysitting for 6:45, roof down and a beautiful drive.

One quick story. While sitting with relatively new members Danny and Rhonda, I shared the story of how we almost stayed home when I realized my safety inspection had expired, but decided to take our/my chances. About 20 minutes later, having overheard a few comments, I gripped the table in both hands and asked Danny if he was Mountie, and he advised he was a member of the Fredericto police force. He left me alone, so I vow to be safety inspected today!!

David Nielsen said...

Thank you, Brenda and Dennis, for your expert work as rear-gunners. We monitored the walkie-talkie activity enroute which provided good entertainment from time to time. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great tour, well organized. The fall colours were spectacular and the Bavarian food wasn't bad either!!
Shirley Ann and John B.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great day!!! And, I see one of Ellie's photos is on the Weather Network site!!
Danny Copp