A request from Barb

I thought with the LBC season getting underway that perhaps it was time to update our "PUBLIC DIRECTORY".  The last time I updated it was last June.  Since then Larry Heinlein & Sandra Byers have asked to be included.  Before adding them & distributing the listing, thought it best to see if any of the other club members who are not listed would like to be included.   

To that end, would you please post a note on the web asking those who want to be included to email me at bargrafrn@hotmail.com with their home address, home telephone nbr, cell nbr & email address.

My goal is to have it updated by the end of May.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My entry on the directory should include my 1976 Mini 1000 along with my Westfield. I am hoping to keep my number when I move but my new address will be 1335 Route 10, NOONAN.