A "Too-Nice-a-Day-to-Miss" Run this Friday

Is anyone interested in joining a few of us on Friday evening for a meal and a little drive?
The plan is to congregate at 6:00pm if you wish to eat with us, OR 7:00pm if you just want to go for a little drive. We are going to try the new Chinese restaurant on Main Street where Jives used to be, and was Frank's even before that. If you plan to eat with us, I have already made a reservation for a little group of six, so you should phone them and add to my reservation (under David Nielsen). They are VERY busy so don't plan to eat without a reservation.
- David

777 Chinese Restaurant & Buffet
86-88 Main Street


Curry said...


Sherry and I will join you. Looks like a great day.


Jim B. said...

Good Morning David,
Sorry we can't attend as Ellie and I are off to Sussex for the day.
Gary A. and I are planning a club run to Saint John for Sun. May 6th.
Stay tuned folks.
Jim B.

Gary said...


We would like to join you but have have other plans.

As Jim B noted we are going to put a run to Saint John on Sunday...awaiting confirmation of a few details.

Have a good run today.

Gary and Barb