A Stirling afternoon was had by all!

Larry and Sandi H entertained in their huge garage Saturday (Oct 26) nearly 20 FABACians with demonstrations of the unusual Stirling engine and a lunch of homemade chili with all the fixings.

Stirling engines come in all sizes from demonstration models, of which Larry has 25 or more, to full size ones such as those used in diesel-electric submarines to recharge their batteries. Known for their super quietness in operation, a Stirling engine is a heat engine vastly different from the internal combustion in our LBCs. It operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air at different temperature levels to create a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work (See Wikipedia for more info) Larry’s demonstrations included a a Stirling engine powering a model train, an early Benz automobile and a lighting display.

Following the demonstrations and lunch, another social hour was passed chatting and exploring Larry’s collection of LBC posters, car models and his re Triumph TR3A before returning home. A huge “thank you” to Sandi and Larry for a great time and wonderful hospitality.

John B.

Thanks to Jim and Ellie for this nice collection of photos from the event.
Click on Larry to see lots more photos.


David Nielsen said...

Those photos just make me grieve more that I was unable to be there. :-(

Anonymous said...

John: A very informative write up.

Joe Hine said...

Thanks again Larry and Sandy....great way to spend a saturday.

Ellie B. said...

Many thanks Larry and Sandy---we enjoyed a great day! Your chilli and salad was outstanding!

Anonymous said...

Larry and Sandy,

Sorry we missed this event. It sure looks like you all had a great time.

Gary and Barb