What is Bob doing here?

And yes that is a car part in the barrel.
Answer in a few days.
Bob E.


Anonymous said...

"Boiling" his head?

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed he is boiling the head in an effort to soften up his hardend valves. Most folks want hardend valves but not our Bob. No Sir, not our Bob. now a lot of fellows will do this in a caustic solution on a low simmer to clean off the gunk but not Bob he has added a mix of onions, carrot, salt and pepper and a pinch of WTF.

Anonymous said...

He is melting snow because it is so cold in NB that his pipes are frozen or he has been banned from the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

NO Bob , this is not he way to soup up your engine !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Soup up your engine Har Har Har wish I had thought of that when I added hardened valve the recipie above. Har har har LMAO