Stanley Fair - Saturday Aug 18

 Once again we have been asked to participate in the annual Stanley Fair. As most know we have made this a signature event and have attended the fair for at least the past 5 years. I'm sure it would be very much appreciated if we could make it for a 6th year. We are always given a prime parking location and have a wonderful opportunity to show our cars to a very appreciative community. Unfortunately, I cannot attend as we have a family commitment that I dare not miss. Joe H said he would lead the group but has also hit a snag in that he might be late getting to the meet spot at the Brookside Mall . We should leave there by 10am. So we need someone to lead the group to Stanley if Joe is late. I'll leave it to the group attending to sort that out. It's an easy drive whether you take Route 620 via Estey Bridge, Route 148 via Nashwaak or Highway 8 via Penniac. All 3 routes will get you there within 40 minutes.

  Larry and Sandi will meet you there and will escort the group into the fair grounds.

  Hope many of you can make it. I'm sure you will have a fun time.


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