Gagetown Update: 16 cars so far. See you next week!

16+ people have indicated their interest in attending the Gagetown run August 8th.

If you want to join the group for lunch at Gulliver’s Restaurant, call John 292-4855. We’ll need to place orders the day before. Menu is here.

AND... If you plan to eat at a pub or other eatery, it is strongly recommended that you make a reservation the day before. It's likely going to be a very busy spot on the 8th.

SPECIAL NOTE to those of you who phoned John to be included in the reservation:
On Saturday, phone Gulliver's Restaurant (506) 429-4156, tell them you are with John DeWitt, and give them your order from the menu.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unable to read menu as out of focus. Johanna