If this were an executive summary of the PEI show, I'd have to say it was one of the best. The Friday evening at Bob
Bentleys, the car show, the awards banquet and the scenic and spectacular drive to Indian River for the closing ceremonies were all done to the highest calibre garnering applause and appreciation from all
participants. Truly it was the best of the best!
The details:
The main group of
FABACians left Fredericton Friday morning led by the Big Red Jag of Bob and Diane Earl. While I was not part of this group, having departed for PEI earlier in the week, I understand the trip went very well with some great touring and great eating along the way. The well known stop at Fred's restaurant in Cap Pele is well known for their seafood and large portions. I understand our group was not disappointed, maybe uncomfortable from eating the gargantuan portions but not disappointed.
Many of our group met Friday evening at Bob
Bentleys where we and many other attending participants were hosted to a fantastic evening of great food, great friendship and a wonderful time. Bob and friends really know how to entertain. We also got a glimpse of some of the attending Morgans, they were all fantastic cars and to see so many in one spot was truly a sight to see. We also met up with our Saint John members Ralph and Karen (
MGA), Terry and Kim (TR6) and Barry and Sue (
MGB). Also making the event were David and Margo Russell (BMW), Stephen
Wheatley (BMW) and David and Pat
Strang (BMW), all driving great cars. Our events are never complete without having them with us.
Saturday morning, a good number of
FABAC cars were as usual the first at the car show scene to ensure they got to the wash stations and also to claim our now well established corner display area. It was here that Captain Jim B and Ellie B (
MGB) were the first on the field to establish our area. Let me tell you there was no one going to get into our area without their approval. They laid out an area for our tent and for 15 cars and we used every bit of space. Only after we were well established did Jim and Ellie get time to wash there own car–they are always thinking of the group first! While Jim was stewarding the cars into position, with assured accuracy and military precision, David
Nielsen lead a confused group of tent
constructers in their task of setting up the
FABAC HQ tent. Having lost the tent instructions, this now daunting task took every bit of David's teaching skills and a far margin of patience, to lead this unskilled workforce, into finally raising the tent. David and Mary Anne
Blagrave (
MGB) put the final touches on the tent with our British flag streamers and our very own
FABAC banner. Thank God, we were doing this in fine weather. Had it been raining, we would all have been soaked to the bone!
With that major ordeal in hand, we all went about our more focused task of grooming our cars and making preparations for the big showing of the day. The weather was wonderful and we had a great day. Several women from the group went for the bus tour into town and spend much of the day touring and shopping in Charlottetown. Many friends from previous shows came over to visit as did many of us visit others. This really is a social event as well as a car show. Currie and Sherry Alder with their late model Jag were on site with us as well. Currie's request for a manicure set was somewhat viewed as interesting thinking it was a new detailing technique only to find out he nicked his finger nail–the appropriate cajoling was dispensed. Richard and Sharon (
MGB) from Toronto also joined our group having become great friends over the years being part of the St. Nicholas Motel group. Alex and Lise joined the group with their fully original TR6 now equipped with a GPS. Now we have no reason to get lost provided Alex is in the group. Later in the day we also met up with the
MGB) and Gary
Suddle (Benton restored TR6)
All in all it was a great day. Dennis Gage, a well known car show host of My Classic Car, was there as well. He interviewed Jim
Woodford and others on
the field. We should all be looking forward to seeing this item on his show sometime in April. As you can see from the posted pictures from the event a number of our "interested" members got their photos taken with Gage. Gordon and Dorothy
Arsenault (
MGB) won an autographed tee shirt from the same.
The events from the day did not end there by any means. At the awards banquet, our group did splendidly well overall. Jim
Woodford's Morgan won 2 coveted awards, the Participants Choice award and the
Concours award. An overall achievement never done before! Congratulations Jim. On top of that
Karen Johnson's TR3 Triumph won second in class as did I for my Triumph TR6. All told, we did extremely well. Congratulations to all!
I should also mention that the feedback from our group about this years awards meal was that it was the best yet! Prime rib and all the
fixins with home made carrot cake dessert was the main entry and it was all delicious.
Sunday was no less eventful. It started off back at the
Cymbria Lions Club with a huge breakfast. At 11:00 sharp, a lesson we could learn, a huge contingent of British cars were convoyed into a single procession that was lead by a police escort to Indian River. This was a non stop procession, all intersections were blocked as this convoy proceeded through. It really was something to see. British cars from miles! The tour took us through some of the most picturesque scenery imaginable. PEI truly is a wonderful place to visit in the summer.
Arriving at Indian River, we were treated to some wonderful classic music from a Toronto based chamber music group, the Griffin Trio. Judging from the encore from the crowd, that nearly filled this large church, I'd say it was very well received. Bob Bentley then addressed the group thanking everyone for attending and extending appreciation to all those that contributed to what he described as a very successful weekend. We couldn't agree more.
Once outside the church we were directed to a tent where we were served a delicious lunch under wonderful sunny skies. A perfect end to three days of well organized and very much appreciated experiences.
Please see the great photography work from Bob Earle (JAG
XKE),Pat and David
Strang (BMW), Mark Brown and Ellie
Bleakney which truly captures the events. Great photography folks!
All told we had a pretty enjoyable weekend,