Bob E's report on the Stanley Fair

More photos from Bob by clicking on this one.
  The run to the Stanley fair saw our biggest turnout of the year (so far) with a full fifteen cars eventually making it to the fairgrounds.  The cars brought FABACians with them and with no schedule to keep we mostly milled around and learned the ins and outs of sheep shearing, horse pulling and hit-n-miss traction engines.  These vintage work engines proved to be popular with the gentlemen and we spent considerable time in tight groups discussing oil feed drip rates and compression ratios with the owners.  As the afternoon wore on it gave many of us time to gossip about folks who weren't there and (of course) discuss cars.  A point I heard from several different sources was how people are getting tired of putting up with what we've come to call "the charm of LBCs". We're becoming less and less tolerant of being cold while our feet fry, and/or getting wet (despite the convertible top) from top, bottom and sides.  Then there's the ride qualities which can vary from harsh to downright brutal.  And lets not forget how much fun it is to squeeeeze ones self in and out of a teeny tiny little seat while negotiating a narrow opening that's only scant millimeters from the road.  I can certainly sympathize with folks over many of these points.  Dwight got quite a chuckle as I levered myself out of my car groaning through gritted teeth; my arthritic hip having chosen that weekend to flare up.  While more civilized choices such as MGBs and TR6s are widely available, it seems that the range of recent Jaguars such as XK8 and XK-Rs are being considered by a few members.   A quick scan of Kijiji, car ads, and eBay turns up many of them in excellent condition at prices only slightly higher than traditional LBCs.  Fifteen to twenty grand will get one into a fast, comfortable, good handling, reliable, COMFORTABLE XK8.  Trading the finger busting joy of putting up the top on a TR2 for the one button experience can't be a hard decision to make.  Look for some new cars to appear soon in our midst and some to come up for sale. 
    Sandi and Larry revealed one of their little known talents while posing proudly with their first place winning jar of maple syrup.  They've promised us a taste next weekend at their barbecue/fun day.  Their win is preserved for posterity in the accompanying blurry picture (I told you two I didn't know what I was doing).
    Bob E.

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