June Monthly Meeting Proposal - Wed June 17

 I'd like to thank Bob E for suggesting the Odell Park breakfast meeting that we had this past Tuesday morning. As his post says it was very successful so much so it looks like we're going to carry it on.

 In fact at the very end of the Odell Park breakfast meeting when only a few of us were left, we discussed the possibility of having a real monthly meeting outside similar to the Odell breakfast meeting. So for those who are interested let's try it.

 As you know some of the Covid 19 protocols have been somewhat relaxed. Under the current 3rd phase of recovery (Yellow Phase) we are permitted to have group gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer.

 So for those interested in an outside meeting observing the above protocol, let's get together for a picnic supper at Devon Park Carleton Park at 5:30 on Wednesday June 17. Bring your foldable chairs, picnic dinner, mosquito repellent and whatever else you need to eat outside.

 We will form up in a circle much as we did at the Odell breakfast meeting where we will be: PRACTICING THE 2 METER SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS.

  I'd also urge you to bring your mask and hand sanitizer. It's just too easy to get too close to someone especially being amongst friends so the additional protection should be brought and used.

       Hope to see you there,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gary: Great idea! We're in. Margot and David R.