The Great Cycle Challenge Progress Report

      I'm closing in on my goal of riding 800 km in August in support of the Great Cycle Challenge for the Sick Children's Hospital. Today, I reached 543.6 km. I am tired, and am looking forward to getting up one morning and knowing that I do not have to cycle 29.6 km that day to reach my goal.
      I wish the same for Isaac. His goal is to wake up one morning and not have to take his oral chemo. He has had to do it for 18 months so far, and has another two years to go to complete his treatment. And he has to have a lumbar puncture every three months. Monday is his next scheduled one.
      Isaac is eight years old and "when he laughs really hard, he sounds like a cross between a monkey and a squeeky wheel on a tricycle."
     So, getting on a bike and cycling 29.6 km sounds like a good deal, especially if the funds raised through donations result in research and treatment to improve outcomes.
     If possible, please donate to, participant Johanna Bertin. Isaac and I both thank you.

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