In his attempts to name all those who contributed so much to the FABAC...

 ...he omitted mentioning the most important—himself!

All of us are keenly aware of the incredible dedication Gary has shown over our twenty years as a club. There are a few of us who remember that very first meeting—a meeting that in itself required considerable background work. I'm sure he thought about starting the club long before that first meeting at Odell Park. Then there was the job of trying to identify as many people as he could who had British cars. Then arranging for a time and place, etc. etc. The Club has been very fortunate to have someone so capable give important leadership for all those twenty years. I have admired his steady hand on the tiller and his quiet but effective way to draw people into being 'active' members of the Club. He continues to do that to this day. That is why our club has been so successful for so long.

So, Gary, a tip of the hat to you for all that you have done for the club. It has been a great ride, and we look forward to a continued successful future for both you and the Club.

- David N.


Choral Bytes said...


Anonymous said...

Well stated David !
All the best to all FABACians from Barb and I.
We will be back as active participants.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Dwight, well said, and praise much deserved Gary!

Glad to hear you and Barb are doing ok, Dwight, and will be back to hang out with the FABAC crew. You have been missed.

Terry & Karen