St. George Fish 'n' Chips run

I would like to thank Barb, Gary, Rose, Henning, Johanna, Bruce, Mark and Ernst for coming with me on the trip. We had a great day, good food and great roads. 

FABAC Party at Sandi and Larry’s

When and Where:  Saturday, September 14, rain date Sunday, September 15, 12:00, at our home, 135 Red Rock Road, Stanley (now technically called rural community of Nashwaak).  Gary, our President for Life and Fearless Leader has agreed to lead the group from Fredericton to our home.  He will post instructions.

What:  A FABAC gathering for food and fun.  This will be a pot-luck lunch.  We will provide chicken, beef, and bean fajitas with all the fillings.  If you can, please bring a side dish or dessert.  We will have delicious Red Rock water available.  For other beverages, BYOB.  


     The fun will consist of games, quizzes, and prizes.  While we have definitely eliminated the mud wrestling and boxing events, we are considering adding pole vault and shot-put events.   Please note:  David and Carolyn will be required to submit a $20.00 deposit in order to play with the aerobie, the flying disc.  At the last event, when they left, the aerobie was hanging in a tree. 


Note:  This is a mandatory event for all FABAC members.  If you are unable to attend, please submit a doctors’ excuse.  


RSVP- Please respond, either to this post or via email, so we will know how many people to expect:

The 2025 MGB: A Nod to the Past, A Look to the Future

(Passed along by John D.)

Fish 'n' Chips at St. George this Saturday, August 31st!

Ernst, Mark, Henning and I are planning a trip to St. George on Saturday for a feed of fish and chips. We will be meeting at the Irving gas station in Harvey leaving for 10:30 arriving around 11:30/12:00 o’clock at the Birch Grove restaurant. I have been in touch with the restaurant—unfortunately they do not do reservations in the summertime. If we arrive when they’re opening, we can sit on the deck outside with no problem. As the person that I was  speaking with informed me, they have plenty of room on the deck. Weather permitting.


Jemseg Car Show Saturday

There was mention in the minutes of the monthly meeting about a Jemseg car show.  It is happening tomorrow the 24th.Their facebook site is

Really enjoying North Rustico!
Phil & Pam

Report on FABAC August Meeting/Eating

      We tried a new(ish) spot this month and met at the 'Pickle Jar' restaurant in the Hilton on Queen St.  We'd reserved the balcony but it was closed due to the incessant rain and cold. With fall coming, we'll have to wait until next year to try our luck again.

 Gary was back and took the reins in his capable hands.
  • The Tuesday breakfasts continue to be a well attended favourite.  It's nothing fancy at the newly renovated Sunshine diner but the place feels like home and the staff makes us feel awfully welcome.
  • The recent run to Yips Cider on the Kingston Penninsula was a hit and will be visited again.  Great spot!
  • A few members attended a recent Freddy car show as well as the ongoing shows on Wednesday evening behind the old Legion.
  • The Stanley fair was great fun even though Sandi and Larry weren't there.  Next year folks.
  • This weekend will see the Air Show in ZX (Greenwood, Nova Scotia)  It's the 100th anniversary of the RCAF and a few of us will be there with a vengeance.
  • There's an upcoming car show in Jemseg on 'the Hill'?  I'm told that more information is forthcoming. 'The Hill?'
  • Sept 14th will see another day of shenanigans at Sandi & Larry's place near Stanley.  Information will be posted here soon.
  • Johanna & Bruce have also threatened to host a coffee & cookies shindig at their place soon. Stay tuned.
  • Our next meeting will be at the Wolastoq Wharf on the 18th of September.
  Rob E.

Car colours—they don't make them like they used to!

While at the Stanley fair yesterday we had a discussion on how cars used to have great colours.  This link showed up on my Facebook page today!  I thought the members would find it entertaining.


Report on Stanley Fair Event

    What a great day for going to the fair. We had splendid weather for our scenic drive along the Nashwaak and through the English Settlement road. In total we had 8 cars that arrived at the fairgrounds. 

   All in all it was a fun day with a lot of opportunity to have great fairground food, take in the many and varied agricultural exhibits, home crafts, lots of farm animals and all the things you might expect at a country fair. 

    Thanks to all who participated. I'm sure our presence was much appreciated by the many visitors who came by to look at our cars as well as the organizers. 

    I hope we can do this annual event again next year.

  All the best,


FABAC at the Stanley Fair

A few photos from the cars that went to the fair. Great day.

Dave S.

Save the Date!

Sandi and Larry are planning a FABAC party at our home in Stanley, September 14, rain date Sunday.  This will be a pot-luck meal, to which we will be supplying a main dish.  We will be asking people to RSVP at a time closer to the event.  As those of you attended our last pre-covid event may recall, we had a variety of games, activities, music, and prizes.  We will do that again this year, but in deference to our advancing age, we will no longer have competitions in mud wresting or boxing.  More details to follow.

Fredericton Car Show

On Sunday, Ernst, Henning and Alex, also Rick Morrison with his MGB were at the car show representing FABAC.  Alex won an award.  It was for being someone who restored a car under 30 of age.  There seem to be quite a bit of interest in the older British cars. Even with some wild looking American muscle cars surrounding them. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

All the best 

Stanley Fair Event - Saturday Aug 17th

We're hoping to get as many FABAC members out for the annual Stanley Fair as possible. You will remember we made this one of our community events to attend on an annual basis. The Stanley Fair organizers and the folks attending the fair have always appreciated our attendance. We've also had a lot of fun attending ourselves with all the displays and events. They also have a pretty good restaurant on the fairgrounds and several food trucks there. All with great food. So please try to make it if you can, it's for a good cause. It also gives our club some exposure that will hopefully result in new members which we need. 

Here's a link to their site showing all the activities:

  I'll be leading the group to Stanley on Saturday with a departure from the Northside Canadian Tire at 10:15. We'll travel via Route 148 to Taymouth and onto English Settlement Rd to Stanley. This in itself is a beautiful drive along the Nashwaak River onto the English Settlement Rd.

  You may want to bring foldable chairs and water.

 Hope to see you there,

Tour to YIP Cider

Congratulation to Carol Dixon for her persistence!  The tour that she proposed some time ago was on and off several times and cancelled for Saturday for possible bad weather but on for Sunday which was a beautiful day for a drive.  A very small group (Gary Arsenault, Bob and Diane Earle and Phil Ossinger) made the trip, meeting Carol and John at the Westfield ferry for the short trip to YIP Cider in Long Reach. We spent a couple of hours on the deck talking , having lunch and sampling various ciders and beer.  This is a wonderful location with plenty of room for a larger group.  Let’s keep it in mind for a drive with a larger group.  Leaving YIP, we went our separate way home.  I chose to take the long way with lots of twisty road and several ferry crossings.  A very good day!

- Phil

Photos by Carol Dixon

Click on photo to see larger size.


Report on Yip Ciders, Kingston Peninsula Run - Sunday Aug 11

     It doesn't get much better than this...sitting on a wide patio with pizza, good friends, a variety of drinks, under gorgeous skies, with perfect temperatures, and a view of the St. John River. The plans changed a few times as the weather changed a few times, but we eventually got a few folks together and got the heck going. 
     A quick trip down Hwy 7 got us to the Westfield ferry, followed by a spirited drive along the peninsula to Yip's Cider in Long Reach. 
     With cold fizzy drinks in hand and a variety of pizzas ordered, the pace slowed to a dead crawl as we wiled away a good chunk of the afternoon reminiscing about great bands and their music, among other eclectic subjects. 
     The afternoon waned and we headed off in sorta separate directions. Gary and I backtracked towards the Westfield ferry, remembering something about ice cream. Unfortunately the ice cream was back on the peninsula, not on the other side in Westfield. 
     A big thanks to Carol & John for persevering and getting the run ran (or 'runned'?). We'll be adding Yips to our list of fun places to do nothing for an afternoon. 
     Oh yes, I learned that Gary always has gum. :-)

Addendum: Despite having cursed the 102 after driving it a few weeks ago, it's been one of my favourite drives since I've been here, so I drove it home and gave it another chance, this time paying close attention to it's condition.

Perfectly tuned Strombergs-- Hwy 7 is a smooth and flat ribbon of perfection that gets one places fast, but like life, the idea isn't to be quick, it's to enjoy the journey. Hwy 7 is boring, and with lots of traffic moving at different speeds, it demands constant attention, keeping one from enjoying the scenery. In contrast, the 102 twists and winds through gorgeous scenery and delivers endless views of the river. From tall trees shading the road to lush fields with cows, the scenery constantly entertains. I counted four spots to stop for ice cream (Yes we did, Gary) with 'Balemans' farm market in Brown's Flats being halfway (and generous with their scoops). The road is mostly fine and well maintained with a reasonable speed limit and sees little traffic.

Oil Leaks-- There's a few stretches that are heavily patched and bumpy. These areas tend to be in the middle stretch. From the Nerapis river almost to Brown's Flats, it's excellent. The same goes for the area from around Queenstown all the way into Burton. There's construction in a couple of spots but that's a good thing...right? Even the rough spots don't present a hazard as there's no potholes or badly broken pavement. It will give your suspension a good workout but that's what suspensions are for...right? Because there's so little traffic, one can drive towards the centreline to avoid most of the rough stuff as it tends to be near the edge of the road. 

The 102 is back on my 'nice' list and will be enjoyed often. 

Rob E. & SWMBO

Click on Carol to see all the photos larger size.

Sunday Run!

Due to the weather, Carol has once again rescheduled the above trip to tomorrow, Sunday Aug 11. 

We'll meet at the Blue Canoe Irving outside of Oromocto for a departure at 11am. We'll take Route 7 to the Westfield ferry where we'll cross to Hardings point meeting up with Carol and John. They will guide us to Yip Cider on the Kingston Peninsula for lunch. (see included menu link below)

  The forecast is for a good weather day on a lovely part of the province so come and join us for a wonderful day's activity.

   Here's the link to Yip Ciders menu:

 If you are planning to attend, please let me know so we know the numbers. 


UPDATE: A couple of possibilities for the Yip Cider Run.

Who would be interested in having this run on Sunday?

Take Westfield ferry to Yip Cider for afternoon ciders and snack food like pizza and homemade ice cream

Carol originally planned this for Saturday, but wonders if more would be interested in Thursday instead.
Let her know which you would like by either contacting her directly ( or posting a comment to this post.