Stanley Fair Event - Saturday Aug 17th

We're hoping to get as many FABAC members out for the annual Stanley Fair as possible. You will remember we made this one of our community events to attend on an annual basis. The Stanley Fair organizers and the folks attending the fair have always appreciated our attendance. We've also had a lot of fun attending ourselves with all the displays and events. They also have a pretty good restaurant on the fairgrounds and several food trucks there. All with great food. So please try to make it if you can, it's for a good cause. It also gives our club some exposure that will hopefully result in new members which we need. 

Here's a link to their site showing all the activities:

  I'll be leading the group to Stanley on Saturday with a departure from the Northside Canadian Tire at 10:15. We'll travel via Route 148 to Taymouth and onto English Settlement Rd to Stanley. This in itself is a beautiful drive along the Nashwaak River onto the English Settlement Rd.

  You may want to bring foldable chairs and water.

 Hope to see you there,


Anonymous said...

We plan on being there. Margot and David

Anonymous said...

Good morning.
Karen and I will meet you in Stanley.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you all you folks there.
