Tour to YIP Cider

Congratulation to Carol Dixon for her persistence!  The tour that she proposed some time ago was on and off several times and cancelled for Saturday for possible bad weather but on for Sunday which was a beautiful day for a drive.  A very small group (Gary Arsenault, Bob and Diane Earle and Phil Ossinger) made the trip, meeting Carol and John at the Westfield ferry for the short trip to YIP Cider in Long Reach. We spent a couple of hours on the deck talking , having lunch and sampling various ciders and beer.  This is a wonderful location with plenty of room for a larger group.  Let’s keep it in mind for a drive with a larger group.  Leaving YIP, we went our separate way home.  I chose to take the long way with lots of twisty road and several ferry crossings.  A very good day!

- Phil

Photos by Carol Dixon

Click on photo to see larger size.


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