UPDATE: A couple of possibilities for the Yip Cider Run.

Who would be interested in having this run on Sunday?

Take Westfield ferry to Yip Cider for afternoon ciders and snack food like pizza and homemade ice cream

Carol originally planned this for Saturday, but wonders if more would be interested in Thursday instead.
Let her know which you would like by either contacting her directly (CarolDixon@hotmail.com) or posting a comment to this post.


Anonymous said...

I'm available for Saturday.



Anonymous said...

Saturday is best for us.
Phil & Pam

Anonymous said...

SWMBO works on Thursdays.
(She Who Must Be Obeyed)

Anonymous said...


At this mornings Tuesday breakfast get together the 3 of us discussed the Thursday or Saturday options for your trip proposal knowing the potential for rain on Saturday. Unfortunately none of us who have signed up are available on Thursday. Someone did speak up and said that the forecast for Saturday, while calling for rain, was forecasting a low probability so that may still be an option. The only thing I can recommend is watch for the forecast to decide if its a go or not.

Hope this helps,


Anonymous said...

Sounds good, Carol

Anonymous said...

Too bad the rain canceled the run, yip cider is very nice to spend a few hours

Anonymous said...

Do people want to do Yip Cider on Sunday?

Phil said...

See you on Sunday. Phil

Phil said...

Leaving from The Blue Canoe at 11:00 AM.