Are Your Tires Safe?!!!

We should all be thankful to club member Tony S for this e-mail he sent to me:

"This just arrived earlier today (July 9/08) and tells a story of which I had not been aware. It seems to me that the matter of vehicle tire aging could be of special concern to FABAC members given the relatively brief use per year that the vehicles get coupled with the apparently safe storage over the ice-and-snow winter period. We take the cars out once good weather arrives and have fun with them thinking that all is OK, and maybe all isn't OK. Then too, tires in stock one place or another and indeed never used may have deteriorated over time, yet are sold as "brand new", when in fact they may be ticking time bombs close to the point of going off. In any event, take a look at the video - unless you know all about it and have already seen it, that is!
I Googled "Car tire failures due to age" and got many relevant hits. It seems this is a concern that's been hidden under the table for quite some time."

Click here: ABC News

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There was much discussion on this on the Jag forum a couple of years ago. Michelin says that ten years is about it for a tire, regardless of the mileage (or lack of). One of the members sent photos of his 12 year old tires that actually shattered! I have every intention of using my tires up before ten years have passed....and DAMN the price of gas!