A report on the July Meeting from Bob S.

Eighteen FABAC members travelled to Harvey to hold our July meeting at Lougheed’s Pub and Eatery. Pres Gary welcomed those assembled and in his report again gave thanks to Sherry and Curry for hosting that wonderful pot-luck event at their beautiful Kelly Creek retreat. Curry then gave a report on the very successful PEI weekend especially for several of our members who garnered trophies for their prized LBCs. There were around 135 entries this year and club attendees felt that the new location was quite favourable. Since the event is under new management and they are interested in getting feedback on how to make future shows better, it was decided that the club would send along a club list of recommendations from FABAC attendees. Please provide your constructive criticisms to Curry.

Many compliments, hurrahs and “job-well-done” were expressed on Bob E’s recent literary contributions to the web site including the latest describing the weekend pot-luck at the Alders. In your absence, you were given the distinction of being named FABAC writer-in-residence. Great writing Bob!

Barb G. proposed that a directory of members be created and placed in a “members-only” area on the FABAC website. All present were in favour of such an endeavour. Barb will be coordinating this task.

Upcoming tours:
Curry and Alex are organizing our club’s participation at the Rexton British car show on the weekend of August 9-10. Details to follow, but interested members are encouraged to contact either Curry or Alex.
Gary and Barb will be developing plans for the upcoming tour to Grand Manan sometime in August. Watch for details on this!

Gary welcomed Don Macaulay to the club. Don drives a spiffy green Mini Cooper. Welcome Don.

Next meeting will be held at the Delta on their patio on August 20th at the regular time. Bob S. to make the arrangements!
Happy motoring!!

Bob S.

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