Another FABAC Quiz

(Click on the image if you want a larger version.)

"It's pretty easy to figure out what the car is, but why does she look like this? I'll buy a beer for whomever comes up with the first correct answer. And no, Joe, you're not allowed to answer."


Anonymous said...

Looks like an E-Type emitting a quite large heat signature for an infrared or thermographic camera that happens to be situated a distance above the Jag in question.
Perhaps the Jag is about to go supersonic?

David Nielsen said...

I would agree with the first comment--I believe it is an infra-red photo, but what I am having difficulty with is why there is so much of a heat pattern under the car. So, I am going to suggest that the this photo was taken in the UK of a car that is not moving but is on fire on June 25/09 at 4:39 p.m.
Another thought is that the Jag has been brought to a stop by a shot to the engine by some type of "vehicle-arresting" missile. (But why would anyone do that to such a beautiful car!! :-( --drugs perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Earl of Burton speeding from a pot plantation that has been under surveillance by 403 squadron for the GRC.


Joe Hine said...

Bob won't let me answer because he's seen the LETA hat I wear....(Law Enforcement Thermographers Association).


Anonymous said...

Now I wonder if Mr Joe H is a mule or mole in our midst.

Unknown said...

Anonymouse is correct (Damn! you folks are good! I'd thought this would be a real challange.)
In this image, white is imaged as hot with black being cold (or cooler). The operator can adjust the gain (think contrast) to emphasize certain frequencies. Here the normal heat from an engine looks quite extreme but is quite normal. I've got lots of video of all kinds of cars and this is in the normal range. Because of the lack of insulation under the bonnet, it looks warm.
Notice that the tires are warm and all chrome is cool.
Bob E.

Anonymous said...

I've never been "anonymouse", just anonymous .......... :~)
Would be neat to have my own FLIR system.

David Nielsen said...

I think Bob was thinking of my anony-mouse that was in the Camry heater/AC blower. :-)

Anonymous said...

I thought that the heat signature under the car could be the exhaust gases exiting where the exhaust system should be!
