The Official Rexton Report

British Car Days of New Brunswick 2009. What a weekend! What a show for participants with its excellent location, organization and hospitality. And what a way for Curry and Sherry Alders to win yet another award in their Austin-Healey 3000!!

The second annual show held in Rexton, north of Shediac last weekend (Aug 7-9) included FABACians from Fredericton Dwight and Barbara (MGB), Curry and Sherry (Austin-Healey 3000), Jim W. (Morgan +4) and John and Shirley Ann (MGB). Terry and Kim W. and Barry and Sue G. represented our Saint John chapter. Nice to see yet another Healey in Don H's capable hands.

The Fredericton FABACians drive up on the Friday as far as Shediac was uneveventful. Dry roads, blue skies and moderate temperatures made for good top-down motoring. We stopped for lobster rolls and fish cakes in Shediac, blissfully ignoring the darkening clouds and gathering storm. When the storm broke with torrential rain and hailstones no less, the tops were still down and the interiors of the three cars got well and truly soaked. Drying out started the minute we'd arrived at Jardine's Inn in Rexton for our two-night stay!

Show participants were welcomed on the Friday evening by the Mayor and Mayoress of Rexton to a wine and canapés reception in the Bonar Law Interpretation Centre overlooking the Richibucto River and the show field. The excellent get-together enabled participants to renew old acquaintances and make new ones and for the organizers to get to know them too.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny. The 40 participating cars were lined up on a large circular graveled driveway to avoid the planned show field made sodden with the previous day's rain. They included Jaguars, Triumphs, Sunbeam-Talbots, Rolls-Royces, MGs, Austin-Healeys and a venerable 1923 Vauxhall.

Chamois leathers, towels plus the sun soon dried out wet car interiors. Further polishing and preening followed. As did the crowds of visitors including more FABACians, the Nielsens, Hoggs and Russells who came for the day. (see separate story).

At the Awards Dinner, Bob Hamilton of Waverley, NS won the Mayor's Award with his black 1954 Sunbeam Talbot 90 convertible and Rod Krolouski of St. George won the Participant's Award in his 1952 MG TD. The People's Choice Award went to the Alders while a vote of thanks to the organizers was made by Jim Woodford. Local MLA, Premier Shawn Graham also spoke, declaring the provincial Government would be interested in supporting future British Car Days.

The event concluded the next morning with a Lions Club breakfast and parade through the town. Escorted by RCMP vehicles with their flashing lights, participants were acknowledged with smiles and waves from hundreds of kerbside onlookers. The parade ended at a campsite where more crowds had gathered and the organizers concluded the event with a brief ceremony.

The organizers took the opportunity to state the 2010 show will be even bigger and better. There will be more facilities at the show site, a greater choice of accommodation in the Rexton area, and enhancements to the show. These will likely include provision for an expanded indoor facility in the event of rain, more inducements for show entries and a better program of alternative partner activities.

With its organizational ability, great community involvement, and attractive venue, the organizers of British Car Days of New Brunswick have a real winner on their hands. The FABACian contingent from Fredericton believe it. They have already booked their accommodation for next year's event! What a contrast to this year's "International Motoring Festival" in PEI!!!

- John B.

More photos by Barb C. here.

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