May 1st FABAC Run - report by Bob E.

     It seems like at least once a year I spend the day (or week) before one of the runs madly fiddling with my car to get her ready for an upcoming run.  This year I decided to get that silliness out of the way early and do it just before the first run of the year.  The Jag had been running progressively rougher over last summer and this spring she had degenerated to the point of being almost undrivable. It turned out to be a massive air leak through a 42 year old gasket ("What!...only 42 years old!") between a primary and secondary manifold.  I'd never liked the secondary gizmo as it was an early attempt at pollution control so I decided to just remove it and bolt the carbs directly to the primary manifold as per the older cars. This involved much drilling and grinding of aluminium, the manufacturer of a new throttle linkage AND air cleaner housing.  I was rewarded Sunday morning with an engine that ran like it was supposed to.
      Four cars showed up at the exhibition grounds and we headed down the Lincoln road to do a short tour of the impending flood waters. While the wind was cool, the sky was clear and it was most pleasant. The route took us down through Burton where we had a good chance to observe the river inching towards the road.  Taking the Trans-Canada highway for a few kms over the river we headed back upriver along the 105 and stopped at Casey's Diner for coffee and pie.  The Russels appeared not long after we had sat down.  We all loitered over our pies for some time and discussed some upcoming runs.
      Not much can be said for the day other than it was an enjoyable first tour of the season.  We had talked about (at length) giving some of our runs a theme to spice them up a bit.  We really like this idea
and members can expect some interesting events this year (we hope).
   Bob E.

More photos by Ellie here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the first run of the season.

Gary A