UPDATE; Rick and Terry’s BBQ Run

The weather is looking hopefully for a scenic drive on Thursday.  We will leave Riverside at 1030 and head north.  After a brief time on the TCH we will leave at exit 212 and head to the Meductic park for a bathroom and photo stop.  From there to Benton and another photo spot at a covered bridge.  When ready we will head to our home for food and relaxation.   

Hope to see you this Thursday
Rick and Terry

A drive to Rick and Terry's place, near Woodstock.

Date: Thursday July 11, 2019 (with backup rain dates of July 12)

Meet: we will meet everyone at the Riverside Resort and Conference Centre at Mactaquac (French Village) at 1030h

Drive: - We will finalize the route closer to the day.  There is a lot of construction and some of last years route is closed.

Food: we will supply hamburgers, buns, and condiments - participants bring salads or desserts to share, and bring their own refreshments (we will have coffee, tea, water).  If anybody would like to BBQ something instead of a hamburger, please feel free to bring it along, there will be lots of BBQ space and time.

The drive will take approximately one and a half hours (a little over 100 km).  

Return drive to Fredericton could take the same route, or could travel through Millville, or could travel down the TCH four lane.  

I think that this plan has the three main components for a successful outing: drive, meet, eat.


Anonymous said...

Sorry we're not able to make this run. Thanks Terry & Rick for doing this.
The Russells

me said...

Earl's are heading to Windsor Thursday morning to ensure all is ready for the HUGE contingent of FABACians. See ya'll Saturday.
Bob E.

Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell, unfortunately it appears only 4 Fabacians and 2 cars will be going to Windsor this year but we are going to enjoy ourselves no matter what. I leave Friday so hope to make it to Terry and Ricks tomorrow.