Report on Canada Day Run to St. Andrews

       FABAC celebrated Canada's birthday with a grand run of epic proportions. A large contingent left Freddy under warming skies and where met by a huge group in Harvey that doubled the size of the swarm.  The trail of LBCs stretched out of sight as it wound it's way over hill and dale to eventually descend upon the Clam Digger takeout just outside St Andrews.  We decided to eat there in order to arrive in town just in time to take part in the car show.   The plan worked perfectly as one lone BDC braved the narrowed streets to park at Wenda & Don's place while the rest paraded onto Water St.  We filled the bulk of one block and the appreciative crowd ooh'ed and ah'ed (sp?) at the gorgeous little Brit cars.
      The club extends a warm thanks to Wenda & Don both for their hospitality, and for playing tour guide through the crowded streets of St A.  We also got to meet their nicely restored Mini.

Note:  The photos show only a few FABACians as it was impossible to get everyone together for a group shot.  Herding cats anyone?
- Bob E.


David Nielsen said...

A good run, Pack leader Bob. I was especially impressed with your arranging the perfect weather.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was an excellent run. I looked for others to join us at the Shiretown Inn for "the best Nachos ever", but they were all off eating ice cream or something. We found Stephen Wheatley, wandering around looking at cars.
Thankyou Bob for taking on this unruly group of people. Johanna and Bruce (who somehow didn't get home until 8 p.m.)

Anonymous said...

Yes it was a great day. Perfect in every way including finding a new spot to eat, the Clam Digger. We've got to try that again maybe later near end of season. Bob and Diane, thanks so much for organizing this. Well done.

Gary and Barb


Joe Hine said...

Sorry I missed it guys....too much on the go

me said...

You'll have to thank our 'foreign' corespondents, Wenda & Don K. of St Andrews for the restaurant suggestion.
Bob E.