It's official: Two trips submitted by Carol

Please check out these trip descriptions and contact Carol if you plan to go by indicating trip number(s). (Or leave a comment on this post.)

Trip 1 July 8: Start at Ramada at 10 am go thru Washademoak to Up to Par restaurant in Springfield

Trip 2 August 10: Take Westfield ferry to Yip Cider for afternoon ciders and snack food like pizza and homemade ice cream


Anonymous said...

Count us in for the Trip To Yip!
Phil & Pam

Anonymous said...

We're in for the trip to Up to Par on July 8th as well as the Aug. 10th run to Yip Cider.
Phil & Pam

Gary said...

Hi Carol/John,

We're in for Trip #2. We'll confirm Trip #1 later.

Thanks for putting these on for us.

Gary and Barb