British Motoring Festival 2024: Registration is Open


(Click on the banner for all you need to know about this great event.)

This from the organizers:

- Where: KES grounds on College Road in Windsor, Nova Scoti

- When: Friday / Saturday July 12-13, 2024 

- Featured Marque: Triumph

- Dorm rooms at KES site will be available.
- There is an evening reception for registered show participants on Friday July 12.
- The show itself is on July 13 and will celebrate the Triumph marque.
- There will be food vendors on site from 8:00am to 3:30pm.
- The show field will be open to the public from 10:30am to 3:30pm.
- Public admission cost is $5.00 per person, children 12 years and under are free.
- Proceeds from the public will be shared with the West Hants Ground Search & Rescue Team.
- Free parking for the public is available on site.
- The show field will be open for participant cars from 8:00am to 10:30am.
- Show cars must remain on site until show closing at 3:30pm, any emergency movement of cars before 3:30pm must be supervised.
- A Banquet will be held on Saturday evening Friday July13 starting at 6:00PM.

We hope to see you there, come celebrate and participate in the biggest yearly BATANS event. Without your participation there will be no BMF! The BMF is organized on a cost neutral basis: we are only looking to break even financially.

On behalf of the BMF organizing committee,
Thijs Molenaar and Ian Cumming, Co-Chairs

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