Report on June Meeting

We escaped the heatwave and met for dinner in the Carnation restaurant in Oromocto.

Folks might like to know that we set a new record yesterday by beating the previous 
record set in 1951 by almost 3 degrees C.  Global warming is finally hitting us here.

Gary took the floor and led off with some recent news:
  • Phil's breakfasts are always a hit but will be moving to (possibly) The Coffee Mill for a few weeks while some renovations are done at our favourite spot, the Sunshine Diner.
  • July 12 and 13th is the British motoring Festival in Windsor.
  • August 24th sees the 100th Anniversary of the RCAF airshow in ZX...
  • The Wednesday evening car shows continue off of Queen St. behind what used to be the Legion...and will be again.
  • Our old favourite, the Stanley Fair is...oh ya..I'd better call Larry...will let ya's all know in a day or two.
  • Who has, or knows the whereabouts of the Bent spoke award and the mudflaps?
  • Sept 23rd and 24th sees the OwlsHead Museum trip.
  • There's a trip somewhere on the 6th of July but I missed the details.  Watch here for a post.
  • We'll be going to Spinney's in St Martin's on the 29th of June.  Details will be posted soonest.
  • There's also rumoured to be a car show there at the same time.
  • We completely forgot to plan a next meeting.  Maybe we can do a picnic at Carleton Park again.  Those were popular.
Knowing that not everyone is obsessive about checking the site, I'll be sending out emails on upcoming trips.  Anyone who wants to be on the list is to email me (Bob) at
Don't worry, I won't sign anyone up on any hacking forums, pirate sites or Discord servers.
Rob E.
ZX - that's Greenwood for those of you who don't speak Air Force.

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