Roy and Bridget Update

A number of our FABAC members joined Roy at the Comfort Inn after our regular Wednesday night club meeting to hear fascinating stories of floods in Australia, mortar fire in Pakistan and earthquakes in South America. Roy spent Thursday talking with Heather from the Gleaner and Alison and Shawn from the CBC. Our Jim B. and yours truly were on hand to escort and provide interesting options especially in the video taping by Ed of the CBC. Maybe you caught it on the TV broadcast Thursday evening. Gary, who was instrumental in setting up that part of the media coverage, may be able to obtain a digital copy of the final product for those of us who haven't seen it.
Roy and his MG Midget spent the waning hours of the day at the Thursday night Show and Shine at the Home Depot parking lot--a beautiful day for all our activities.

I encourage all FABACians to go to Roy's website and make a donation to UNICEF. All proceeds go to UNICEF as the travel costs are all looked after from other sources.

This set of photos is a behind the scene record of Roy and Bridget facing the media.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi David,

Great pictures and write-up.


Jim B.