Report on FABAC's July Meeting

  It's a good thing we had a private room with a door tonight, we were pretty darn noisy.
  Gary opened the proceedings by taking a survey of how everyone had fared through the storm.  Sandra and Larry whined about still not having any power and where given a collecting "awwwww" from the gathering. 
   We've had three outing's since the last meeting all of which where rousing successes. Joe gave a report on the Windsor show and congratulated Kelvin on his award from the event.
   We discussed what types of runs folks would like to have, long or short.  The consensus was that all types of runs should be held and folks can participate in ones they like.
  Upcoming outings....
   -Wings-n-Wheels in Houlton Me. 26th July
   -Stanley fair on the 16th August
   -Sandy-n-Larry's Day-O-Fun, 23rd Aug The next meeting will (again) be at Sam Snead's pub at the golf course at Kingswood the 20th of Aug.
  The evening finished with another of John's well received car quizzes.  That darn &*^%$#@ won it again.  We'll have to do something about him.
  Bob E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree!! It was more like whimpering than whining. Larry H.