Gary and Barb's Plans for Travel on Friday

      Barb and I are planning to leave this coming Friday morning (July 8) for the British Motoring Festival in Windsor NS. Our plan would be to travel to Windsor via Halifax on  Routes 104, 102 and 101 allowing us to travel primary roads all the way.

      If others would like to join us we would leave Fredericton from the Ramada Inn North Side at 9:00am Friday morning. We would stop for 15 minutes at the Tim Hortens, Irving Stop in Salisbury. This would allow us to meet up with any Saint John cars that may want to accompany us, to gas up, have a bio break and have a coffee/tea.

      We are also going to have a quick picnic lunch stop at a scenic rest area near Debert Nova Scotia on Route 104. We have stopped there before and it has always been a nice little area for a rest and a picnic. There are no restaurant facilities there so you will have to pack a lunch or pick something up at our earlier Salisbury stop where there is a Tim Hortens and a Subway.

      This should put us into Windsor around 4:00pm. This should allow for any downtime or running around that needs to be done prior to the first event of the BMF which would be the Friday evening reception starting 7:00pm at the Kings Edgehill School for registrants only.

      I understand there is a group that may be traveling to Windsor via the Digby ferry from Saint John which sounds very exciting. For those of you that would like to travel via land and would like to accompany us please let me know so I know how many to expect at the Ramada Inn rally point on Friday morning.

 My contact info:
   phone    454-4546



David Nielsen said...

Sounds like a good plan, Gary. I shall join you at the Ramada with the Morgan and travel with you as far as the Morgan will go without problems or onward to Salisbury. Depending on my rear end (mine, not the Moggie's), I may join you for tea at the Big Stop, but I will attempt to return quickly to the road as I plan to continue on to Wolfville to visit friends that day and staying over night. I hope to be there early afternoon.

Anonymous said...

HI all,
We have decided at this LATE date that we would like to checkout this event. Does anyone have information on possible accommodations near Windsor or Wolfville?


Anonymous said...


Until we found a room at the Downeast which I understand is now full, we were planning on staying at the scholl residence. It's offered on the British Motor Festival site. Fron all comments the rooms are adequate, they are on site so no need for driving back and forth and people staying there had a great time

Good luck,


Unknown said...

If there's no room left in the dorms on campus, you can crash at my daughter's place.
Bob E.