Report on FABAC July Meeting by Bob E.

  • Under darkening skies with the threat of yet more heavy thunderstorms hanging heavy in the air, a large group gathered at McGinnis Landing for the July meeting and dinner.  It was nice to see that all LBCs, LFCs and LHCs in attendance had their tops down as if to dare the rain to come.
  • As we milled about inside, Kelvin handed out tickets for a forthcoming draw of some sort.  Jim B. then started the meeting with a call to all to make a firm commitment to the annual British car meet in Windsor.  All who attended thoroughly enjoyed it and encouraged everyone else to do so next year.
  • John B. announced a second annual run to Tony Rickett's on the Kingston peninsula.  This run will include a picnic in the afternoon and a dinner at the Evandale Inn in the evening.  Last year's event was well received and we hope for a repeat.
  • Bob E. invited everyone to join him on an afternoon run to Saint John on the 2nd of August for a British themed waterfront car show.
  • Dwight B. introduced his cousin Darrell who was escaping the oppressive heat and humidity in Ontario. Darrell is another LBC owner and enthusiast.
  • Newish members Sandra and Larry Heinlein announced the arrival of a bouncing baby TR3A.  It is still down in Maine somewhere and they are planning a trip to retrieve it in a couple of weeks.  We expect pictures and maybe a story (hint, hint).
  • Bob L. offered some free Indy 500 memorabilia and also made a BIG deal about passing Dwight's MGB during a recent run.  He insisted that this fact be recorded here. There seems to be some rivalry growing and we should probably keep an eye on these two.
  • Tim R. displayed some modern electronic upgrades to his MGB including LED tail lights and headlight relays.  They offer dramatic improvements over original items.
  • Kelvin (finally) drew a number for the draw.  A digital tire gauge was presented to the winner Curry A.
  • Dianne E. offered her (my!) house for a garden party/barbecue for the monthly meeting in August.
  • Details for all upcoming events will appear here....hopefully before the event.
     Bob E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bob- Thanks for the great notes. They're extremely helpful for those of us cursed with a bad memory. Yes, we will provide pictures of our "new" TR3A and provide an account of our(hopefully) uneventful but fun trip back to NB from MA. BTW- It's Sandra Byers. When we got married I told her I'd be pleased for her to take my last name. She made the same offer, so we each kept our names. Cheers, Larry H.