Is Bob E. busy or what?!!!

     Since I can't bore anyone in person this month, here it is for the site.  
     Much of it is self explanatory.  The bedroom reno allowed us to donate the no longer need closet space to the nifty new bathroom.  And yes, the claw foot tub is sitting in the basement ready for installation.  In fact there's almost no room in the house not full of stuff for the project.  The basement has a mountain of hardwood flooring waiting for the heavy construction to be finished before it gets hammered down.
     The reno proceeds in stages after much (much, MUCH) thought, planning and endless consultations with the project director (Dianne).  Painfully aware of a lifetime of screwups, I can't afford to mess this one up, so nothing happens until I'm really and truly certain of what I'm doing.  Then I sleep on it for a week to see if I've forgotten anything.  This has saved my bacon several times.  The bathroom door (to give just one example) has been re-hung twice.  The location of the tub has also been changed twice (ok, that's the last example).
      The garage...argh.   It's presently in its messy and cluttered stage.  It will soon be entering the neat and organized state (fingers crossed). I was thinking that I need more garage space but after watching Kelvin's garage for many  years, I realize that 'stuff' grows to fill empty space.  If I keep the garage small, 'stuff' won't materialize out of nowhere to fill it. I'm not sure how I got sucked into the radial arm saw and drill press, but I'll put them in on a trial basis.  Since neither of us is brewing booze anymore, the 'brewery' has room for shelving, which should free up some room in the garage.   A note on those round valve shims.  Never place them on something that can be raised or opened.  They roll a long ways and get under everything.
      The new garage lights are much brighter than the old fluorescents and consume a quarter of the power. 
     And just ask me about the new parlour, go ahead...I dare ya.
       Bob E.

Be sure to click on "Read more" just below for several more very interesting photos of Bob's projects.


David Nielsen said...

OK! I'm impressed! VERY impressed! I think you might win the prize for most ambitious work plans. Now, to see what you can accomplish now that there are many fewer distractions. All the best with your work!

Unknown said...

All very nice, but I don't see a head on that engine yet...just sayin

Unknown said...

I'm impressed and I don't even understand what I'm lookinh at.